Thursday, November 6, 2008
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
I liked this
So much, that I'm linking it here, even though it isn't my work, just stolen off the internet.
Posted by
4:49 PM
Thursday, July 17, 2008
The NATO Alphabet
I was thinking that someone surely must already have made a NATO Alphabet poster with correlated pictures, and I would just grab it from the internet and print it out for entertainment.
Strangely, I couldn't immediately find one on the internet, and thus thought to myself, this sounds like a good topic for another weird blog post! is my attempt at a NATO Alphabet poster. This was for the most part generated by simply typing in the word in question into google and choosing the most interesting or ironic image that came up.
If you want a somewhat sharper image, click the poster to expand it to full size.
Posted by
3:13 PM
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
The Genius of Günther
I feel that the genius of the swedish artist Günther isn't fully appreciated by many, and thusly I will propose for your consideration, the following Günther videos.I want you to listen very closely to the lyrics contained therein for his secret wisdom and observe the environs in which he constantly finds himself.
The man must be doing something right (with the possible exception of the xmas special). The xmas special I really only post for Toki, and likely, if she weren't already unspeakably revolted by the content of my blog it would reduce her opinion of it.
Just as a first warning, it isn't always prudent to try to assimilate all of the wisdom of Günther in one sitting, it might be best to enjoy one of his videos, sit back, digest its deeper meaning, and then return later when you are ready to add a fresh pearl of wisdom to your necklace.
His most famous video, is probably this one, and it has spawned an entire generation of internet imitators and thieves:
While I wasn't sure the of the perfection of this next one at first, since the tagline is ola ola, rata rata ra, which simply didn't seem catchy enough to me, it clearly is a pearl of sacred wisdom after watching it:
Anyone who can get Samantha Fox to sing along with them has to be doing something right, the original is remastered here with Günther in what may be the apotheosis of his career, only time will tell.
This next one is pretty special, I think it really captures the modern xmas spirit and will be a particular favorite of Toki, if she hasn't already closed this browser window and deleted my blog from her list:
I like this one because it is about fruit, and fruit is good, it keeps you healthy and tastes nice.
Finally, this video is a masterpiece of synchronized, choreographic dancing accompanied by the usual deep and powerful lyrics that really bring meaning to our lives.
That's it for this Günther roundup, maybe I'll stylize myself as Günther for Halloween this year!
I feel as if I have somehow cheated people on this post, since I'm mostly just linking stuff that is already out there and available instead of creating something that is my own work, but I felt the need to share the incredible phenomenon that is Günther with everyone.
P.S. Covering your face with vaseline is excellent weather protection in addition to making you look startlingly attractive and Günther-like!
Posted by
12:19 PM
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Quotes of the Bizarre
I don't want to precede these quotes with too much explanation, as it takes away from their power of bizarreness. All I will say is that none of them actually meant what they seem to mean when taken out of context like this. These all come from a coworker speaking without thinking of the double entendre present in his statements about our work.♠ I'm going to stretch a bit, then we'll change genders.
♣ This stripper is really aggravating me.♦ These females aren't working right, they aren't accommodating enough.
♥ I don't like fancy strippers, I prefer the old fashioned kind.♀ We need to get these five females taken care of first.
♂ No, this isn't right, someone used a male here instead of a female.
☺ Thankfully, this is the last female, I need to get up and stretch.

∩ Look at this thing and flip up the female, when you mate them up, they go like this.

▼ You're about to lose your strippers!

┼ I'm going to walk over and get the females we need. I need two...

P.S. It can be hard to tell on the small pictures, but I did mosaic out nipples to protect the innocent! Honest. Although I of course had to look at them closely during this process.
Posted by
10:04 AM
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Hello Kitty Online
I am completely unable to fathom why anyone would want to play this game.
Hello Kitty Online
However, I have been informed by a friend that it in fact has a broad appeal, even among older women.
The average MMO has a demographic that includes 50% males playing male characters, 35% males playing female characters, and 15% females playing female characters, and some insignificant percentage of females playing male characters (apparently it is a gross betrayal of their gender to play an in-game character of the opposite gender *shrug*).Hello Kitty Online, however, stands at the ready to break this mold with a demographic apparently including 60% adolescent girls playing female characters, 35% older women playing adolescent female characters, and 5% male pedophiles playing adolescent female or male characters. I can't even imagine the horror of voice-chat in such a game, an armada of giggling teenage girls, giggle women pretending to be girls, and giggling pedophiles claiming their microphone doesn't work...
Incidentally, the friend I have who will be playing this game is neither a pedophile (that I know of, although she does look at photos of her husband when he was REALLY young *muses*), nor a adolescent girl.
All of this being said, I hope the fans of Hello Kitty Online who have been waiting impatiently for its release have a delightful time playing the game and that it measures up to all of their expectations.
I think I'll wait for Warhammer Online.
Hopefully she'll still speak to me after this post.
Posted by
10:16 AM
Friday, March 14, 2008
The Merry Marmot Festival
Someone I know is going to the Merry Marmot Festival (don't ask me what this is, I don't know), but it inspired me to put this on his cubicle until his return.
A friend of mine had never seen the commercial. Thusly, I'm including that here for those of you who have missed out on this treasure of japanese culture. This may or may not be related to the Merry Marmot festival, since I don't know what makes the marmots merry or how they behave at the festival, perhaps they have enlarged genitals and dance?
Posted by
10:47 AM
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
No Improvement Possible
I submit the following link without any additional frippery or mocking required. These products speak for themselves I think.
Lookin Good for Jesus
I need some Jesus Sparkle Cream.
Posted by
10:29 AM
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Likely you have all heard this poem before. I recalled it recently when someone asked me a question and I quoted a line of it resulting in a blank stare from the recipient of my declamation.Searching for the poem online I discovered that there were several versions of this poem, and I also found another very like it.
The only way I felt these classic poems could be improved in this day and age was to festoon them with tasteless animated graphics and spice them up with color!Most people seem to agree that Charles Osgood was the progenitor of this poem about four people, Anybody, Everybody, Somebody and Nobody.

And no reason not to do it, there was absolutely none.
But in vital matters such as this, the thing you have to ask
Is who exactly will it be who'll carry out the task?
Anybody could have told you that everybody knew
That this was something somebody would surely have to do.
Nobody was unwilling; anybody had the ability.

But nobody believed that it was their responsibility.
It seemed to be a job that anybody could have done,
If anybody thought he was supposed to be the one.
But since everybody recognised that anybody could,
Everybody took for granted that somebody would.

That he would be in charge of seeing it was taken care of.
And nobody took it on himself to follow through,
And do what everybody thought that somebody would do.

When what everybody needed so did not get done at all,
Everybody was complaining that somebody dropped the ball.
Anybody then could see it was an awful crying shame,
And everybody looked around for somebody to blame.

And Everybody should have,
But in the end Nobody did
What Anybody could have.
The other one I recalled while searching for the above gem was this one by Edward Estlin Cummings.

(with up so floating many bells down)
spring summer autumn winter
he sang his didn't he danced his did

Women and men(both little and small)
cared for anyone not at all
they sowed their isn't they reaped their same
sun moon stars rain
children guessed(but only a few

and down they forgot as up they grew
autumn winter spring summer)
that noone loved him more by more
when by now and tree by leaf
she laughed his joy she cried his grief
bird by snow and stir by still
anyone's any was all to her

someones married their everyones
laughed their cryings and did their dance
(sleep wake hope and then)they
said their nevers they slept their dream

stars rain sun moon
(and only the snow can begin to explain
how children are apt to forget to remember
with up so floating many bells down)

one day anyone died i guess
(and noone stooped to kiss his face)
busy folk buried them side by side
little by little and was by was
all by all and deep by deep

noone and anyone earth by april
wish by spirit and if by yes.
Women and men(both dong and ding)

reaped their sowing and went their came
sun moon stars rain
Posted by
7:47 AM
Friday, January 25, 2008
Some of you have probably seen questions similar to these before, they're not an uncommon field in psychology, but still a curiousity. Likely some of the few people who come to this site will never come again after this list of questions.
Question 1
A. You and a team of five other laborers are doing maintenance work on an old, narrow subway track junction. You are teamed up with Fat Bob down tunnel number 1, working on the magneto-electric switch mechanism that toggles incoming trains between the tracks. The other workers are in tunnel number 2.
Although the track is supposed to be shut down you look up and see a bright light accompanied by the rumbling sound of an approaching train.
Currently, the tracks are switched to send the train down tunnel number 2, which will kill the other four laborers (the track is too narrow for them to evade the train).
You can toggle the lever and switch the train to track number 1, however, the tunnel is narrow enough it will almost certainly kill Fat Bob as he won't be able to hug the wall like you can to survive. Do you flip the lever?
B. If you decided to flip the lever, you have discovered that the lever doesn't work. However, you know the tracks are switched by a connecting electric current between them, and if you push Fat Bob (who is paralyzed with fear currently) onto the track, he will bridge the circuit and toggle the track over to tunnel 1. Of course, if he isn't killed by the electric current, the subway will surely get him, but the other laborers would be saved.
Do you push Fat Bob onto the track?
C. There isn't enough room for you to squeeze against the wall and survive, switching the train will kill both you and Fat Bob.
Would you switch the train to save four others?
D. The group of 4 laborers who are down Tunnel 2 are all violent, degenerate criminals, you and Fat Bob are here supervising their work and keeping track of the chain-gang.
Would this change any of your decisions?
Question 2
A. Jill is a college senior who decides she wants to take a trip to Amsterdam for Spring Break to meet up with her one-year older brother Bob (not Fat Bob) whom she hasn't seen since she was 12.
They visit together and have a great time catching up on everything that has happened to both of them in the intervening 10 years.
When it's time to call it a night Jill asks Bob if he wants to come up to her Hotel room instead of heading home across town; Bob accepts.
Jill and Bob decide they want to have sex, Jill is on birth control, but just to be safe, Bob also uses a condom.
Is this wrong? Why?
B. You are Jill's friend from college and are taking the trip to Amsterdam with her. You sit through the dinner at the restaurant, which is strangely uncomfortable, and towards the end you hear Jill and Bob discussing what sounds like plans for a sexual tryst.
What do you do about it? If anything?
Question 2.5
A. Jill and Bob are a happily married couple with a healthy 5 year old son. You are Jill's friend back from her college days and you still visit every couple of months. While preparing a present for Jill's mother (you work in the genealogy field) you have discovered that Jill and Bob, unbeknownst to them, are brother and sister, separated at birth.
What do you do?
B. Jill and Bob have no children, Jill had to have a hysterectomy just after high school and can never have children. You make the same discovery as scenario 2.5-A.
What do you do?
Question 3
A. The Munji family lives in somewhat rural Nebraska, and has a fine, large, healthy dog named Biscuit. There are two sons and a daughter in the family, ages 12, 10, and 8 years old. The family isn't wealthy, but they do have a somewhat prosperous small farm that they operate together and they don't really ever have to do without.
One day Biscuit offends the farm's bull overmuch and is kicked in the head and killed.
The family is very saddened by the loss of Biscuit.
Is it okay for them to safely prepare and eat the remains of Biscuit?
B. The Munji family remains the same, except they live in a turbulent and impoverished part of Africa and frequently must go weeks at a time with little or no food. Their belief system precludes them from killing their one scrawny cow or their dog Biscuit (in their native language).
One day the cow steps on Biscuit while Biscuit is sleeping and kills Biscuit.
Is it okay for this Munji family to eat Biscuit?
C. The same Munji family as B is no longer precluded from killing their livestock by a belief system. The cow, although scrawny, still produces some milk while Biscuit doesn't really do much of anything besides provide companionship.
Should the Munji family kill and eat the cow, Biscuit, or neither?
Anyone else have any good ethical brain twisters?
Posted by
10:19 AM