Friday, March 14, 2008

The Merry Marmot Festival

Someone I know is going to the Merry Marmot Festival (don't ask me what this is, I don't know), but it inspired me to put this on his cubicle until his return.

A friend of mine had never seen the commercial. Thusly, I'm including that here for those of you who have missed out on this treasure of japanese culture. This may or may not be related to the Merry Marmot festival, since I don't know what makes the marmots merry or how they behave at the festival, perhaps they have enlarged genitals and dance?


Toki said...


So, I am still trying to find out what this commercial is all about.


Lirri said...

I'm wondering the same thing, although it did cause G to come over to investigate. We may have some problems on our hands when she grows up to be a preteen/teenager!

Q said...

It's a construction company selling condominiums.

Nubcakes said...

I think it's a public service announcement to woodland creatures. It's saying "don't be friend with little, female humans, because they'll leave you for another creature if they have bigger testicles".