The Genius of Günther
I feel that the genius of the swedish artist Günther isn't fully appreciated by many, and thusly I will propose for your consideration, the following Günther videos.I want you to listen very closely to the lyrics contained therein for his secret wisdom and observe the environs in which he constantly finds himself.
The man must be doing something right (with the possible exception of the xmas special). The xmas special I really only post for Toki, and likely, if she weren't already unspeakably revolted by the content of my blog it would reduce her opinion of it.
Just as a first warning, it isn't always prudent to try to assimilate all of the wisdom of Günther in one sitting, it might be best to enjoy one of his videos, sit back, digest its deeper meaning, and then return later when you are ready to add a fresh pearl of wisdom to your necklace.
His most famous video, is probably this one, and it has spawned an entire generation of internet imitators and thieves:
While I wasn't sure the of the perfection of this next one at first, since the tagline is ola ola, rata rata ra, which simply didn't seem catchy enough to me, it clearly is a pearl of sacred wisdom after watching it:
Anyone who can get Samantha Fox to sing along with them has to be doing something right, the original is remastered here with Günther in what may be the apotheosis of his career, only time will tell.
This next one is pretty special, I think it really captures the modern xmas spirit and will be a particular favorite of Toki, if she hasn't already closed this browser window and deleted my blog from her list:
I like this one because it is about fruit, and fruit is good, it keeps you healthy and tastes nice.
Finally, this video is a masterpiece of synchronized, choreographic dancing accompanied by the usual deep and powerful lyrics that really bring meaning to our lives.
That's it for this Günther roundup, maybe I'll stylize myself as Günther for Halloween this year!
I feel as if I have somehow cheated people on this post, since I'm mostly just linking stuff that is already out there and available instead of creating something that is my own work, but I felt the need to share the incredible phenomenon that is Günther with everyone.
P.S. Covering your face with vaseline is excellent weather protection in addition to making you look startlingly attractive and Günther-like!
Günther has nothing on Benny Lava.
Well, that's to be expected, Benny Lava has a minor bun engine.
You cannot expect Scandinavians to compete with that.
I've been ROBBED of this viewing experience! I've been waiting for a time to come back and finish watching these videos, but they are now unavailable. Humph.
Oh. My. Goodness. That was just frightening. (Q got the videos to work, and I don't think it was a benefit.)
I'm NOT going as a Sunshine Girl for Halloween. It's too cold and I don't look that good in a string bikini. I will, however, take lots of pictures of you as Gunther!
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