And lo' on the barren surface of the shattered moon Rodephagia IV, Darth Sciurus Vulgaris met his nemesis and brother Knight Sciurus Carolinensis, whom he had betrayed on his path to the dark side.
The fighting was unspeakable, hissing blows of their sabers exchanged over and over as fizzling sparks sprayed into the soft, grey dust and tracks of their footprints bore witness to the fury of their exchange.
Finally with a sudden rush of his evil power, Vulgaris hurled Carolinensis to the ground and plunged his carmine blade through the furry chest of the warrior he had once called brother whilst squealing his exultation to the stars.
This is really from September of last year, but I figured it was a good seed to start the blog out on.
This battle really needs a fat marmot, imo!
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