A friend of ours is constantly threatening her significant other with the dire sentence of Sleeping On The Couch With The Cats. While the true horror of this may not be at first comprehended, it is indeed an unspeakable fate, as evinced by the prurient cats that dwell within their household.
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4:08 PM
Here kitty, kitty, kitty....
I guess it's better than sleeping out on the boat? Especially in Anchorage, in the winter! That's the threat I use with Q!
This is not what I expected when I encouraged you to create a blog.
I feel as though I owe the blogging community an apology.
I apologize, blogging community.
More Quin pics and baby pics!
Less squirrels and creepy looking animals.
Due to the sarcastic comment given to me by my loving husband last night, I'm posting another comment. Even if it isn't very enlightening!
I'll work on that.
I'm getting complaints that no one likes Q's blog. We need to deluge him with compliments and positive blogging remarks!
This... is... the... best... blog... I've... ever... seen. Good... job... Q!
Yeah. This blog rocks!!!!!!!!
WHAT?? No update?? This blog is now on my blogging list-to-be-checked- every-day and it hasn't been updated!!
Wow,I'm honored Teak Dark made the blog page! Even if I am slightly distrubed by this image... : )
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