Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Smells Like Angel

So, yesterday whilst in her normal daily travels, my wife took our month old daughter with her. She encountered a stranger, who informed her that our daughter was still so recently birthed that she could, "Still smell the Angel on her!"

It's fortunate I wasn't there, I wouldn't have been able to resist saying, "Angels smell like vagina!?"

Perhaps I would have been able to resist, but having just witnessed the birth, I have to say, when a baby pops out, the materials it is covered with do not immediately remind me of Angels, unless of course Angels are actually somehow connected to birthing fluids.

Perhaps Angels only guard vaginas, protect them from danger, and cover babies with their scent when the baby emerges?


Anonymous said...

I just don't know what to say. I was also amused by the woman's comment, and thought about telling her that I do bathe Gretchen occasionally. Apparently not often enough!

Ocho said...

Maybe the water to your house is holy water, or even better it could be some angel liquid like urine or sweat and you magically have it pumped into your home.

Mmm, angel pee...

Anonymous said...

I think that's more disturbing than Q's post!

Unknown said...

I read this post while eating dinner.

That was a mistake.

Nubcakes said...

Hmmm... "Angel fetish" now has an entirely new meaning....

Toki said...

I hate Q's blog.

Q said...

Perhaps my blog is a shining example of "Be careful what you ask for?"

Toki said...

I think you're a shining example of an ASS!


Anonymous said...

Bad Toki! Only positive comments are allowed! Otherwise we won't be amused by Q's humor! Although, based on the comments, it seems like I'm the only one who is enjoying it... maybe Fizzie should start a blog to amuse us? Come on, Fizzie, join the crowd of bloggers! Oh, and Neidren, I have had to ask Q to NOT talk during a meal due to his bizarre sense of humor. Maybe Q should add a warning to his blog: "WARNING: do not read this blog during any food-based activity!"

More posts, Q!!