Thursday, July 17, 2008

The NATO Alphabet

I was thinking that someone surely must already have made a NATO Alphabet poster with correlated pictures, and I would just grab it from the internet and print it out for entertainment.

Strangely, I couldn't immediately find one on the internet, and thus thought to myself, this sounds like a good topic for another weird blog post! is my attempt at a NATO Alphabet poster. This was for the most part generated by simply typing in the word in question into google and choosing the most interesting or ironic image that came up.

If you want a somewhat sharper image, click the poster to expand it to full size.


Lirri said...

Wow. I don't know what else to say, but wow.

GWD said...

Nice work. Thanks for regularly commenting on my blogs, by the way. Your insights are appreciated.

GWD said...

Well. Insights and weirdness.

Q said...

I bring the weirdness.